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Choosing the Right Gemstones

Gemstone Glossary: FAQ

What is the spiritual meaning of a gemstone?

A gemstone's spiritual meaning is the emotional and physical benefits that it can bring into your life. History and archaeology can tell us that gemstones have been appreciated for their spiritual powers just as much as their beauty since we first plucked them from riverbeds or sandy shores. Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans bedecked themselves in protective amulets, pendants and bracelets made of lapis lazuli, carnelian, amber, agate and quartz not only for daily wear but even for the journey into the afterlife.


Agate is considered a protective stone. It is believed to attract strength and offer protection from bad dreams, stress and the draining of energy. Agate is said to balance energies and awaken talents. Agate is a member of the Quartz family which is a well known and powerful spiritual gemstone group. The various colors mean that Agate can have a wide range of emotional and physical influences but generally it is a soothing and calming gemstone which can relieve tension and anger. It improves concentration, memory, your awareness of your surroundings and rational thought – your whole mental health in fact. Agate has a harmonizing energy which will promote healthy relationships, it will open up your communication skills which will enable you to let friends and family understand your needs and let you appreciate their needs, too.
The wearing of Agate was believed to be a cure for insomnia and was thought to induce pleasant dreams.


Amethyst calms the emotions, encourages clarity of thought, and assists in attaining wisdom. Amethyst is a stone of the mind which brings calmness and clarity. Amethyst is said to attune its wearer with intuition, feelings and values. It has long been regarded as an aid to sobriety and is useful for combating alcohol, food and other addictions. It is also thought to ease obsessive-compulsive behavior. Amethyst is the stress reliever of the gemstone world, calming and soothing at even the most anxious of times. Put an amethyst crystal under your pillow for an uninterrupted good night’s sleep filled with pleasant dreams. St Valentine was supposed to have worn an Amethyst ring which had an image of the God of desire, Cupid, engraved on it. The amethyst has come to represent faithful and unconditional love and will help your relationship reach new heights. Amethyst opens wisdom and insight into the immortality of the soul, allowing you to cope with and understand the death of a loved one or close relative. It can even help you come to terms with any thoughts of your own inevitable earthly demise.

Black Hematite

Throughout history, Hematite has been known as a stone of great healing power and also for its ability to serve as a protective cloak. The Iron Rose as it was sometimes called has long left an impression on the earth. Far back in history, the stone was considered to be an early form of a mirror thanks to its reflective sheen. It was also ground down into powdered pigment for artists – even used by prehistoric man for etching his ideas on the walls of caves. It was smeared onto the faces of Native Americans and used as war paint. In its full form, Hematite adorned the tombs of the pharaohs. As you can see the spanning history covers everything from art to elite status and the powers of protection. It’s been an incredible part of our history. Hematite is harder than  your average crystal, it's dense and heavy and comes from the depths of South Africa and the warm-blooded lands of Brazil. It is also found in the winter wonderlands of French-speaking Quebec around the shores of Lake Superior. It can also be plucked from the snowy peaks of Switzerland. For three thousand years, Hematite has been associated with magic and blood. It was used to prevent excessive bleeding in both the birthing bed and the battleground. It was worn by farmers and magicians to protect against curses and spells, and it’s always been a stone that keeps the wearer well and truly grounded.

Black Obsidian

The black obsidian healing properties that are most prominent are its ability to cleanse and ground. It is rooted in the base chakras and has a strong connection to the earth. This makes it the perfect grounding force and is often used to achieve feng shui in homes. It is said to draw the negativity out and into the earth where it is neutralized. Its strong connection to earth and to nature make it the ideal stone for tapping into other spiritual realms and unlocking their potential. Having come directly from a volcano, black obsidian contains the elements of earth, water, and fire. This combination means that it also carries immense power. This stone is very good for cutting ties and ridding yourself of negative connections. If you’re struggling to leave a toxic work environment or a relationship that is no longer serving you, you can seek help from black obsidian stone with its healing properties. The intense grounding energy is good for bringing you back down to earth and to your centre so that you can regroup and reassess what needs to be done. Its strong magnetic power means that it also holds lots of health benefits. It is said to draw out infection and help with digestive issues.


Bloodstone improves blood circulation as well as helping to detoxify and purify the blood. It's also said that it can help lessen feelings of anger, hostility and impatience. Since ancient times this deep green gemstone with flecks of red has encouraged courage, confidence and motivation. We might not face battles like ancient warriors but Bloodstone can protect you from bullying and aggressive behavior from colleagues, classmates or even family members. It will give you the strength to stand up and confront your tormentors or the wisdom to turn the other cheek. Bloodstone can motivate, increase creativity and positivity and will revitalize you if you are feeling run down. It can also be a calming agent, useful in high pressure situations when tempers can get frayed and self control is important. Bloodstone has been called the ‘Martyr’s Stone’ and in a modern day reflection of this, it can increase your charitable side. Whether it is giving up some luxuries in life to help others or sacrificing your free time to volunteer for a good cause, Bloodstone will be all the encouragement you need.

Blue Sandstone

Known as the stone of ambition, blue sandstone is the perfect companion for those who lack the drive or self-confidence to ask for what they want. As a true throat chakra stone, its vibration instills positive energy, boosts your mood, and uplifts your spirit so that you feel secure in your skin to speak and live your truth. Like Tiger's Eye and Aventurine, blue sandstone can give you the willpower, wisdom, and courage to accept your authentic self, making it an ideal companion on your self-discovery journey. Wearing a beaded bracelet with this crystal can be a great way to be more confident in the decisions you make. Thanks to its high-frequency vibrations, it's seen as a manifestation stone that attracts good luck and success in all enterprises of your life. If you're in deep need of change, the vibrant blue sandstone — along with Opal and Moonstone — is a beautiful amulet for new beginnings. It helps you keep a clear mind so you can better discern between the things you want to let go and those you wish to keep. In some cultures, this beautiful glass bead is known as the "wishing stone," as many believe it can attract the things you most desire and bring new opportunities into your life.


Chalcedony is considered a sacred stone by Native Americans, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and goodwill. Chalcedony is said to alleviate hostility, irritability and melancholy. Chalcedony has been one of the most treasured gemstones in many ancient civilizations. It is believed that as early as the Bronze Age, chalcedony was prized as a gem throughout areas surrounding the Mediterranean, owing to the discoveries of archaeologists. Many chalcedony seals and other forms of jewelry and fabricated tools have been discovered dating back to as early as 1800 BC. Chalcedony has been used by ancient Romans, Greeks, Babylonians and Assyrians alike. Many Native American tribes consider chalcedony to be sacred and most often use it in traditional ceremonial gatherings, particularly in efforts to stabilize and strengthen the bonds between tribes. Chalcedony is believed to help emotional balance and it is thought to be able to strengthen stamina and endurance. It encourages kindness, responsiveness, receptivity, generosity, charity and friendliness in those who wear it. It is also thought to possess the unique ability to balance all of the energies of the body, mind and spirit.

Dragon's Vein

Emotionally, this stone prevents the owner from holding back their true emotions and wishes. That makes this the stone of the dreamers and go-getters of the world. Dragon Vein Agate supports you and your dreams because it helps you get a hold of what you truly wish for in this life. It’s also said to be particularly helpful in finding your soulmate. Dragon Vein Agate symbolizes the power of dragons—known in Eastern mythology for bringing the energy of the mountains down to the plains. This makes the Dragon Vein Agate a potent stone for luck and a dependable aid for getting out of stagnant periods in one’s life. This stone is known to improve intellectual curiosity and a person’s skills in specific disciplines. It’s a stone that helps a person absorb knowledge more efficiently. It also improves memory and concentration. Dragon Vein Agate is also known to help attract the right people to teach you a few lessons in love and life. This stone also resonates strongly with purpose and destiny, because it helps strengthen one’s will to manifest their purpose on earth. Dragon Vein Agate also increases stamina and encourages honesty. It also energizes and strengthens its owner. This stone helps people avoid natural disasters and accidents.


The word Jasper means spotted or speckled stone and when you see the huge variety of gemstones that appear under this name you can understand why. The swirling patterns, the flecks of color, daubs of red, green and yellow, the woody or organic looking patches all make this a truly unique gemstone. It does however have a couple of all encompassing traits that we can share. It is known as the 'Nurturing Gemstone' giving you the encouragement you need to develop every facet of your life, be it personal or professional. Jasper is a gemstone of relaxation and calmness so those with very busy lifestyles or jobs will benefit from an hour or two with one as part of meditation or just to hold while lying down - it will clear your mind of its stresses and revitalize you. Its long history with mankind reveals Jasper's sacred and protective spirituality, it has been carved into amulets to be worn by holy men and kings and buried with Mummies to help them into the afterlife. Native Americans used Jasper' gemstones in their rain-making ceremonies and they were used as dowsing pendulums in traditional water finding divination.

Lapis Lazuli

The gemstone Lapis Lazuli is a rare metamorphic rock which is a combination of a number of minerals. The holy men and shamans of the past certainly realized the spiritual power of Lapis Lazuli, it has adorned the burial chambers of the nobility of Ancient Sumeria and Egypt, been carved into amulets and talismans by Greeks and Assyrians and used as an aphrodisiac by the Romans. At least 6000 years of Sacred history is hard to ignore. It will give you the confidence and the courage to overcome uncertainty and insecurity and help you make new friends and possible lovers. Taking a Lapis Lazuli gemstone to a party is a sure fire way to feel comfortable and relaxed. It is an ideal meditation gemstone, you can clear your mind of negativity and pour in clear critical thoughts and energy. Lapis lazuli will then help manifest all your dreams and ambitions. If you are not practiced in the art of mediation simply place a Lapis Lazuli gemstone on the side of the bath while you relax in the warm soothing waters and let it do its work. Lapis Lazuli is a lucky gemstone and that means lucky in love, with money and with your job, not only in gaining new love, wealth or employment but in enhancing current love and faithfulness, keeping your finances in order and advancing your present career.

Lava Stone

Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change.  It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back". A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.  It promotes positive changes where needed in behavioral issues. Lava Stone enhances fertility. In addition, Lava Stone is a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser. Simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.

Magnetic Stones

The healing properties of magnets are suggested as far back as ancient Egypt 3200 B.C. In the 1600s Sir William Gilbert, Elisabeth I’s own physician, relieved the arthritis of the queen with magnets. Since the introduction of the field of Bio-magnetics as an alternative form of medicine in the 18th century, magnetic therapy has become increasingly popular, especially among professional athletes who use it for aches and pain relief. Magnets have an invisible yet powerful force, called the magnetic field, which has the ability to draw certain metals such as iron, cobalt, and nickel towards itself. This ability is called Magnetism. Neodymium is the type of magnet most commonly used in magnetic therapy. It is very light and is therefore easily inserted into small items such as straps and wraps. Despite its size, it is the most powerful permanent magnet as it crosses over the skin barrier and onto the injured area easily. Placed on top of the skin, the magnets attract the iron found in the blood, stimulating blood flow and the provision of oxygen and nutrients. It also stimulates the nerves in the area, causing the body to release endorphins The combination of increased blood flow and endorphins speeds up the healing process. Arthritis, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, muscles and joint pain or injuries are among the long list of ailments for which people use magnetic therapy.


The Greeks weren’t the only ones to fall for this swirled green stone, the Egyptians too were smitten and would often mine the green gem of the earth from the mines of Suez as far back as 4000 BC. Ever fans of the ornate and eye-catching, the Egyptians found a thousand uses for Malachite - from grounding it down to pigment for Cleopatra inspired eye shadow to adorning their wrists and necks with gleaming gems. As time ticked into the middle ages, Malachite hadn’t fallen by the wayside or lost its magic. It was taken by healers who soothe stomach ailments and to protect against curses and negative energies. To this very day, Malachite is still used in this protective way. Malachite may have been uncovered in Egyptian mines, but the travelers stone can be found in all corners of the globe. From the snows of Russia to the crackling sun-scorched earth of Australia, Malachite has been pulled from the ground. Unsurprisingly, it is also found in some of the world’s most lush, earthly, and spiritual destinations like the depths of the Amazon Jungle and the near-vertical slopes of the Congo. Having collected all the wisdom of the ages and the energy of the earth, Malachite is here to help us in times of transformation. For those ever ready to embrace new leaps or clinging to the edge of something, Malachite gifts you the strength to prune your inner branches and say yes to new growth.


In ancient times Onyx was believed to have a demon imprisoned within that would awaken at night, sowing discord, especially between lovers. Nowadays, strength-giving Onyx is a protective stone for dark nights and lonely places. Taking you forward to view the future, it is useful when a relationship needs stabilizing or when it has passed its sell-by date and needs releasing. Effective in past-life work for healing old injuries and physical trauma affecting the present life, it anchors the flighty into a stable way of life and imparts self-control. Onyx is thought to increase regeneration, happiness, intuition, instincts and also believed to decrease sexual desire and helps to change bad habits.

Red Turquoise

Turquoise is a purification stone.  It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.  Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm.  It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks.  Turquoise promotes self-realization and assists creative problem solving.  It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love. Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body.  It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.  Turquoise purifies lungs, soothes and clears sore throats, and heals the eyes, including cataracts.  It neutralises over-acidity, benefits rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, and viral infections.


Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love.  It stimulates, clears and activates the heart.  Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.  It heals emotional shock and panic.  Rhodonite aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency and abuse.  It encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness.  Promotes remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations.  Builds confidence and alleviates confusion. Rhodonite relieves insect bites and can reduce scarring.  It aids bone growth and the hearing organs.  Rhodonite stimulates fertility.  It treats emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers.  Eases inflammation of joints and arthritis.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eyes will have you feeling on top of the world. They will give you the courage and self-confidence to tackle anything before you whether it is a physical endeavor or a mental challenge. It also calms any fears or anxieties. If you have an important decision to make, a Tiger's Eye will help you approach it with a clear and perceptive mind allowing you to choose the correct path not the impulsive or emotionally charged route. A Tiger's Eye will help keep harmony at home, calming tensions within the family or with a partner. It allows you to see arguments from both sides and accept different opinions. If you, a spouse or family member are struggling with addictions – whether serious ones as in drugs or alcohol or just craving too much chocolate or TV – then a Tiger's Eye gemstone is just the ticket.

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